Saturday 28 March 2020

Rare disease: corona; going live on Instagram💞

Hej there,

I hope everyone is doing well, staying safe and following the guidelines your government and health department has given. In my previous blog, I explained to you why it is so important to follow those guidelines and what you can do for someone in need. Since I am chronically ill with a rare disease I am quite used to being isolated and at home for longer periods. That is why I thought to use my experience of being ill and use it for some good by sharing some tips online.

My idea now was to go on Instagram live from time to time while half the world is in lockdown and you could join me in some crafts or some mandala colouring-in, things like that. I always find crafting and baking help me relaxed and I just love doing things like that. Being quarantined can make you feel lonely and even depressed, so that is why I wanted to do something fun. And also if you do feel alone or depressed and you want someone to talk to, let me know! You can send me a DM on Insta or Twitter.

You can follow me on Instagram on
and on Twitter, you can follow me on

First time I'll be going live is upcoming Sunday, March 29 around 3pm GMT, which is 4pm in the Netherlands. Plus don't forget the clock will be going an hour forward, to summertime in the night from Saturday to Sunday. I'll be colouring in a mandala colouring page I have made. You can download it here or go to the colouring pages page, where you could find loads of different colouring pages as well. Plus you could also just use a colouring page you already have of course it is more of a get together without being together.

You are not alone!

x Poppy

p.s. I have put a list of a few timezones down below just add or subtract the number of hours of your timezone to the 3PM GMT

Berlin 16:00 
Chicago 09:00

GMT 15:00

Los Angeles 08:00

Moscow 18:00

Mumbai 20:00

New York 11:00

Paris 15:00

Shanghai 23:00

Tokyo 24:00

Rome 16:00

Singapore 23:00
Sydney 02:00

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