Friday 7 August 2020

Rare disease: (in)visible illness and Covid-19

Hi, I am 32 and chronically ill. If you would see me you probably wouldn’t be able to tell. Because there are no visible signs per se and also because if I leave the house that probably means I have to or feel well enough... Due to the global pandemic, I have been self-isolating since the end of February and haven’t left the house, not at all, yup that is almost 6 months that I haven’t left the house. But I know there are so many others just like me in similar situations and I am not just talking about the elderly we are all been warned to be careful around I am talking about small children, young adults, adults who are dealing with a visible and invisible illness, which makes us extra vulnerable to infections, diseases, viruses such as COVID-19. I know a lot of people, including doctors, have told the public about the health hazards for the elderly and vulnerable. But you are not always able to tell or know if someone is (chronically) ill and/or has (other) underlying health issues. Vulnerable people are not just the elderly. It can be your best friend, co-worker, aunt/uncle, sibling, neighbour, cousin... And therefore I wanted to create a little more awareness of why it is important to follow guidelines. I ask you to consider keeping your bubble small with those in your household and keep your distance from those who don’t belong in your household. Because even if you are not coming in contact with someone who would be at high risk you could pass it on to someone who will be in contact with someone who would be at high risk. Please wear a mask when asked. (*not speaking about those who physically/medically are not able to!) Even if you are not visiting your elderly (grand)parents because we are advised not to do so or with great caution (if you do so, thank you for that, that must be difficult!) but you still can come across others who are also very vulnerable without you knowing. This virus isn’t only dangerous for the elderly it is also dangerous for the vulnerable and that means any age. This virus does not discriminate it doesn’t care where you are from, where you have been, what you have done good or bad in your life and it does not care how old you are. So my main point I want to make is this virus could affect anyone, someone you may consider looking young, healthy and vital. But let’s imagine you are that person you consider looking young, healthy and vital but actually you are at high risk but no one would know because you can’t tell from just looking at you. When you are being careful following guidelines and such and someone else isn’t just because that person might not think anything of it and doesn’t visit their (grand)parents so that someone doesn’t feel the need to follow other guidelines because you do not qualify to them as being high risk. You can not judge a book by its cover, you can carry it with you, maybe and hopefully you do not get (very) sick from it but still pass it on to someone who will get very sick and might die. And with small gestures like keeping a distance from those outside your bubble, no shaking hands or hugging and wearing a mask in places where it is asked, we will be able to control this virus. Which is so important until there will be a vaccine or medicine. And some might say well they should stay inside than, I want my freedom. Or whatever bullocks I’ve over the past couple of weeks. I get you want your freedom and do whatever you want but aren’t we all human and isn’t it a humane thing to do to this together and help control this global pandemic. If this doesn’t help you see from a different perspective and you are someone who thinks are vulnerable people should stay inside or such. Have you realized while saying things like that; like staying inside that it isn’t always an option people might need to get there medicine, food, supplies, go to work, have doctors appointments etc. They might not be able to get or ask help from others, to have their prescriptions picked up or have their groceries delivered or work from home. Just like you need to be somewhere or go somewhere. So that in my mind is not a valid point. All I ask is for those who didn’t understand read and share this to help create awareness because even though we can’t always be together we need to do this together.

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